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       关于东北大学不同的特殊项目,NU bound,NU immerse,American Classroom Program,Global Pathways,这些可能是学生最容易混乱的地方,尤其最后两个项目每年淘汰的学生不少,读项目期间还要通过学校内测,这也是对学生的一把双刃剑。我来简单的介绍下:

NU bound:是东北在苏州工业园区的一个校区,要求学生第一年在那边就读,第二年回到东北主校区就读,这个相当于是一个学生分流的作用,开设的还是比较新,据了解,托福在100左右的学生被分配去这个项目的较多。

NU immerse:是18年新开的,直接在东北就读,但是会带上一些语言课程,只要学术表现优秀就可以直接进入大二,具体的通过准备暂时还没有对外公布。

American Classroom Program(本科,简称ACP)和Global Pathway(硕士,简称GP):ACP最多有三个学期,现在只允许考NU内测(题型等于老托福+写作考试),除了cps学院要求550+20的写作之外,其他所有学生要求达到580+22的水平。GP除了NU内测之外,允许学生提供托福或者雅思成绩通过。



        NU在波士顿市里,属于后湾Back Bay地区,紧邻红袜队主场Fenway Park。波士顿作为一个可行走的城市,NU的学生基本可以步行至任何地方。学校旁边就是新英格兰音乐学院,波士顿交响乐团,和伯克利音乐学院,NU的学生可以凭学生折扣买到很便宜的音乐会门票。著名的波士顿美术博物馆也在附近,NU的学生可以凭学生证免费进馆。


       NU在整个新英格兰地区还是很受认可。学校很重视global mindset和思想交流,经常会有名人来校演讲或者是开seminar,门票一般都不要钱。学校享誉全国的Co-op项目也的确是吸引了很多优秀学生。校友也是这个rewarding experience里的重要因素。他们大多都有职场经验或者奇特的人生经历,又乐于分享和共情。通过跟他们的沟通交流,自己的open-mindedness和视野格局也在提高。同时,这些同学、校友又是很重要的connection。此外,有着辉煌履历的NU教授们也是在尽力关照着我们。当然,我指的是对你熟悉、了解的教授。


      学校提供的学术、课外活动等资源都很丰富,我主要说一下职业发展中心Career Development Center和图书馆资源吧。首先,这些资源都是免费供NU学生使用的。只需提前预约。学校有专门处理国际学生身份、签证的部门。说回职业发展中心,它提供求职类相关服务——简历、求职信、模拟面试、职业规划、美国职场知识等等,每次去收获的都是满满的干货。

       不过,NU为了抓桥梁项目(*啊),我感觉它在托福这块下手了。要求不高,只要92分。问题是看到单项(reading sub score 22, listening sub score 22, speaking sub score 24, writing sub score 22)口语24分(what?),是不是感觉有点不爽了。基本这是个坎,不过人家也对,人家要推COOP,没口语怎么行能,正好送你去学语言,它也赚点钱,一举两得,犹太人就是厉害啊。如果你愿意接受桥梁项目,告诉你托福65分以上就可以去了,至于你是否能混出来,那我就不知道了。

       最后我们看下NU的录取情况, NU只统计正式录取的,所有桥梁项目的人都不在范围内。 2018年一共录取了3000多人,你看下它们的标化,惊呆了吧,不弱于很多排名前30的学校哦。不过其实我们不用关心,*人的数据不在里面。为了排名,去做分控,啥都敢干啊。最后说一句,去年ED的人数是953人,实际录取361人,录取比例还是不小的。真心觉得COOP是对你胃口的,波士顿又是喜欢的位置,ED东北大学是不错的。人家就是刷刷排名,为你挣脸,没毛病。

How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading

How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing I. Introduction

The purpose of middle school English teaching is to improve the students' four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the base of necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and good grammar, But this is not the final purpose. The final purpose is to lot let students be able to use the language.

Why do we study English? If a man is only good at listening and speaking, can we say that he is good at English? No, If a man is only good at reading and writing, can we say that he is good at the language? No, If a student is good at English, he should be able to use the language, both in spoking and writing.

Now most of the students do better in reading and writing English than in listening and speaking. They can read and write, but they can hardly communicate. They can hardly express themselves with their own words. This is partially because of our examination system, and partially of the teaching method. We are not able to change the examination system, but we can improve our teaching method.

Most of all the teachers like to provide the students with a lot of knowledge-words, phrases, grammar, usages and so on, They are focusing these thing, especially on the grammar. Yes, the students do need these, but many teachers forget to teach them how to study English, and how to use it. So when you are giving the knowledge to the students, don't forget to teach them all the abilities of the four skills.

II. Ways on developing the four abilities


The teachers often speak of the four skills- listening, speaking, reading and writing. That means each of them is important. You can't say that you h*e mastered the language without any one of them, Listening, one of the means of language communication, is used most widely in people's daily lives. About 45%of an adult's time concerns listening to other people, listening to the radio, listening to the music. In linguistics,giving the students a lot of listening activities is a good way of enlarging their vocabulary. On the other hand, it als o helps the students improve their listening comprehension.

I h*e done an investigation. About 43.2% of the students think that the most bothering and most difficult is listening comprehension, and even some of them h*e difficulty in understanding their teacher who gives lessons in English.

Without question, it is difficult of a middle school student to understand the listening material, if he hasn't enough vocabulary and the ability of telling the grammar construction. In my investigation, about 35% of the students with low listening comprehension thing this is because they don't understand or know the knowledge about linguistic, they are not able to tell the means of a what they h*e heard. In my another investigation, students were asked to listen to a dialogue of 244 words, in which the words and grammar h*e already been learned.;But 80% of them thought it was too difficult. Then, using the same dialogue as a reading comprehension material, I found only 5% of them thought it was a little difficult, on the other hand the response ability is also another reason.

It is clear that the reading speed of a material also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldn't follow.

A lot of students h*e their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences, and a great many students could understand the material directly, They often translate the English into Chinese in their heart, thinking that only in this way can the sentence be understood. This is also a reason, trying to understand each word is difficult, and it is not necessary at all. You should catch the most important points.

Then how to improve the students' listening skill?

We know the largest difference between mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say, he has a chance of listening to more. Before he goes to school, he has already been a good listener and speaker.

But for a foreign language, you can meet it only in formal places, classes, for example, otherwise, you can hardly h*e a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.

Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning, Students should do much about it.

Pay attention to the oral reading skill, It includes stress, strong form, weak form, intonation incomplete plosive consonant, affricate consonant, syllable and so on. Training and practicing the oral reading is not a day's word. The teacher must give correct information about it. There is no easy way.

Enlarge the students' knowledge about English. Encourage the students to read something in their spare time about geography, history, culture, stories and so on. For example, there are two materials of the same difficulty. One explains something about China's Spring Festival, the other is about Thanks giving Day of the western countries. The former is easy to understand but the latter is more difficult. Why? It is clearly because the students know little about the latter.

Both listening test and listening practice are necessary, but practice is more important.

You can understand your students through listening tests. Only through the practice can the students improve their listening comprehension.


Speaking can't be taught separately. It is often connected with listening. So we often speak of listening and speaking.

The traditional way of listening and speaking is aural-oral method. Now, the new method of two-way communication is very popular.

As you know that any teaching method has its psychological base. The aural-oral method began in the 1940's. It is based on beh*iourism. One of its psychological theory is that learning a language is forming a set of new language habit.

This is its usual process: Stimulus-Response-Reinforcement.

The aural-oral method is fit for the teaching of beginning stage. It focuses on the practice of oral English drills. But too many drills are being practiced without any context or given conditions. So what is learned is isolated clauses. And it has few communicative functions.

The two-way communication makes up for the defect in communicative ability in the traditional teaching. Two-way means the relationship of the communication between the teacher and the students.

This relationship is connected with the communicative activities between two people. This method is different from the traditional aural-oral method. But it also bases on the process of S-R-R. So we call it a mew type of aural-oral method has some peculiarities.

It can create a fresh environment for speaking English.

It needs some necessary explanations of Grammar, including some sentence structures.

Hints are the major way of practice.

Teachers can control the practice wholly or partly.

The practice can also be controled by students freely. The internal force of study is not due to the insterests in phonetic structure, but the content of the material.

To make the correct response, the students are asked to pay more attention.


Teacher: Ask me if I am a student.

Student: Are you a student?

T: Tell me-No, You're a teacher.

S: No, I'm a teacher.

In this example,"Ask me" means that the student must say a question sentence while"Tell me" shows that the student must say a decarative sentence. But before doing this, the teacher must explain something about the exchange of interrogative sentence and declarative sentence.

The two-way communication can lengthen the dialogue limitlessly. This is its advantage. At the same time, if the student wants to give the correct response, he has to think it hard, The sentence is not easily forgotten which is ereated by themselves through thinking, sometimes with the teacher's hint. You can talk freely. You can express yourself as well as you can. For example:

T: Ask me how mang people there are in my family.

S: how many people are there in your family?

T: Tell me-there are five

S: There are five

T: Ask me what my prreuts do.

S: What do your parents do?

T: tell me-your father is a teacher and your mother works in a company.

S: My father is a teacher and my mother words in a company.

T: Ask me if my father likes his job.

S: Does your father like his job.

T: Tell me- Sure, he likes teaching very much.

S: Sure, he likes teaching very much.

All these responses form a complete dialogue.

A: How many people are there in your family?

B: There are five.

A: What do your parents do?

B: My father is a teacher and my mother works in a company.

A: Does your father like his job?

B: Sure, he likes teaching very much.

If you want to ask more about"father" or other family members, the dialogue can go on as far a possible.

So, in a word, the aural-oral method is not a out-of-date one, but a useful one. Especially it is fit for the beginning stage. It attaches the importance to the oral drills, and has a bad communicative function. It is only used to aphonetic base. After all, the aim of the language learning is to communicate. So the two-way comunication is more effective and direct, but it is also fit for the beginning stage.


Reading is an important way of gaining information in foreign language learning, It is a basic skill for a foreign language learner. There is a lot of reading exercises in an examination today. But all these readings must be done in limited time. So students are asked to read them correctly and with a certain speed. To do this, you should change your bad reading habit and raise your reading efficiency.

New words prevent you from reading fast. One way to overcome this problem is to guess. There are many ways to guess the meaning of a new word. First you should find some hints. Context, some phrases, such as"means","refer to","in other words","That is to sag"; are all the hints.

Model 1.

A middle-aged professor said that his wife was too extr*ant, because no matter how much he give her for the household expenses, she always ran short.

In this sentence, the meaning of the word"extr*agant" can be easily guessed.

Model 2.

Prometheus stayed chaied to the lock for many years, Then at last the mighty.

Hercules came forth and broke the bonds-but that is another of the wonderful stories of the Greeks.

In This pargraph, the words"stayed chained" is the hint, So you can guess what"bonds" means.

Model 3.

The tiny droplets that form on dust particles very small pieces of dust, to produce a cloud are far apart from each other.

In this sentence, the words after the dash shows the meaning of the word"partides"(微粒)

Besides the ways mentioned above, you can guess according to the word-formation, for example

Child-childless, Marx-Marxism

Large-enlarge, tell-foretell

Australian satellite→ Aussate

State run→ state-run.

Sometimes you can't guess what the word means. If the word doesn't affect your reading, let it be. For example,

A German told me that all over China they use Gourmet powder in their food. It will give you higher blood pressure.

You may know that gourmet it a kind of thing that can be eat. But it doesn't matter whether you know what it is.

Another problem that affect your reading speed is you reading habit and you reading skill.

Some one reads word by word. Some one reads with his finger pointing to the words or with his head shaking. Those are all bad habits. You should read phrase by phrase. Don't blink your eyes so often and don't shake you head. Just move your eyeball. That's enough. If you want to get more word information, there must be a proper distance between your eyes and the reading material.

I think browsing is an important step while you are doing you reading comprehension.

Some students begin to read at once when he get a reading material, even without knowing, its title. But after reading for many times, he won't understand what the article says.

Looking through the material first means forereading. In an examination, you want to grain the information which the questions ask, you can't read the material in a usual way, you can't read the whole material word by word. You gad h*e to omit some sentence, sometimes even a whole paragraph, which h*e nothing to do with the questions.

I think you might read the given questions fast as well, then the material. There is an advantage to do this. When you read the material with the questions, you can s*e your time.


A Festival Atmosphere.

At midnight on New Year's Eve, people in Rome, Italy, throw out all the things they no longer want. The streets are filled with old chairs, beds, clothes and dishes.

In Madrid, Spain, the new Year comes in more quietly. People come to the main souare. Each holds a bag of grapes(葡萄). As the clock strikes twelve, the people eat the grapes—-one for each stroke.

In Tokyo, capital of Japan, people eat noodles in New Year's Eve. This food is said to bring long life. Early the next morning, some Japanese families climb Mount Fuji, There they watch the first sunrise of the new Year.

1. This story is about New Year's Eve in ______.

A. Europe

B. Europe and Latin Aucerica.

C. Four capital cities.

D. Three countries.

2. The writer thinks New Year's Eve in Rome is _____.

A. interesting

B. dull

C. noisy

D. happy

3. The number of grapes that must be take. From each bag is _____.

A. one

B. twelve

C. thirteen

D. fourteen

4. People in both Spain and Japan spend the New Year's Eve ____.

A. throwing things away

B. eating a special food

C. climbing a mountain

D. watching the first sunrise

5. People climb Mount Fuji on the New Year's morning to ____.

A. look for happiness

B. meet their friends

C. enjoy the beauty of nature

D. do something strange

6. People who hope to gain long life from their New Year's food are the ____.

A. Japanese

B. Spanish

C. Italians

D. both A and B

Look through the questions first. No. 1,3,4,6 are the questions which are about the content of the article. This information is connected with the names, numbers or activities in the article, question No. 2 and No. 5 are comprehensive ones.

Then browse the article. From the questions and the title you may know that the article is about the festival custom of different countries. The article includes three paragraphs. Each talks of a different place ____ Rome, Madrid and Tokyo.

So when you h*e the first glance over the article, you've got the key to question No.1. After your glance, these things h*e been put into your brain:

Rome-throw out-are filled with-

Madrid-quietly-main square-grapes-one for each stroke

Tokyo-noodles-bring long life-climb Mount

Fuji-first sunrise

Now, you may h*e some idea of the out line of the article, Then you may read the whole material


Writing is one way of providing variety in classroom procedures. It provides a student with physical evidence of his achievements and becomes a course whereby he can measure his improvement. It helps to consolidate the students' grasp of vocabulary and structure, and complements the other language skills.

Sentence is the base of an article. So we should begin our writing with sentences. First, students should be asked to express with sentences-sentences making, then to write short articles.

1. Translation. Translate Chinese into English.

First, they should learn the five basic sentence drills. Then choose some typical sentences in the text as models, do sentence making after these models.

2. Sentence pattern exchanging. By rewriting the sentences, practise expressing the same meaning with different patterns.

3. Text shortening and rewriting. It helps to understand the text, and helps to write compositions. It can foster students' ability to summarize and to use the language freely.

III. conclusion

While you are training these four skills, you'd better make full use of your teaching instrument use varieties of ways to stimulate the students' interests.

Generally speaking these four skills can't be separated. People often say"First listening and speaking, then reading and writing". That's right. But I think this way of saying is fit for the beginning stage. For a senior middle school student, reading and writing is more important.

Before you are going to h*e a new lesson, do reading and writing first. Ask students to read the text in advance, and do some exercises connected with the text.

Listening and speaking are the major ways while teaching the new lesson. Be sure to let the lesson go on in a foreign language situation.

You can ask the students questions about the text, do some discussion, check the students' homework. This helps students raise their ability of listening and speaking. It also helps to understand or comprehend the text and the sentences.

Reference books:




4. Huang Yuefa《English Teaching Methodology》 1991.7


How to improve the ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing










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